Dyslexia Pathways CIC empowering dyslexics to break down barriers

Feedback from students we have supported
Sarah said:
“I had one to one support with Steve from Dyslexia Pathways who was great. We worked on different techniques together such as how to effectively read and ways to develop my memory skills. This time last year I was in a mess due to stress and anxiety due to dyslexia and coping with university life. I didn’t feel able to cope. I know now that I have the ability to excel in university".
Colin said:
"The support and guidance that Steve from Dyslexia Pathways has provided has allowed me to focus my attention on strategies that enable me to overcome my dyslexia using my personal strengths."
Margaret said:
"The dyslexia support that Steve from Dyslexia Pathways gave me increased my confidence in my own abilities and enhanced my self esteem."
Emma said:
"For the first time ever I completed a piece of work with time to spare. This was because I was taught how to structure my time more effectively."
Gary Said:
"Last year before I started working with Steve from Dyslexia Pathways, I failed my course and exams. This meant I had to take my first year at university again. After receiving support from Steve, I managed to pass my exam and course work and move into my second year."
Snippets of other feedback
"Stephen, the dyslexia specialist, may seem to you to be an average person at first. But after five minutes of talking with him I realised he was not. His ability to talk with me about my particular dyslexia issues and enable me to overcome them was phenomenal."
"Dyslexia Support has helped me to progress. I feel more confident going into my exams using plans and mind map study skills. It has made me realise the importance of the little things I needed to do to be able to do my best."
"Confidence in my own abilities has increased and I have a clearer view on how to structure essays. Self esteem has greatly improved as has my confidence."
"For the first time I have completed a piece of work with time to spare to review it. Felt this was because I was taught how to structure time and to complete small tasks each week."
" I know where I am going and feel much more confident in my studies."

Gemma .
Steve has helped me to develop my academic skills, particularly with self management, goal setting and academic writing. My confidence in my abilities has grown a lot since working with Steve in my dyslexia support sessions.

Steve is a friendly person easy to talk to. He has helped me to overcome my tendency to procrastinate and use my time more effectively. I now feel better equipped to handle my academic challenges.

Ally wrote:
"Stephen is extremely helpful, supporting and friendly. Over the past few months he has helped me to overcome issues which I have encountered whilst at University. I now feel able to approach my final year with confidence".