Dyslexia Pathways CIC empowering dyslexics to break down barriers

Unique Dyslexic Get Creative is a Dyslexia Pathways CIC campaign supporting, promoting and encouraging dyslexic creativity globally
Unique Dyslexic Get Creative achieved all its objectives:
We organised and ran five creative workshops across Fife that was all well attended. Workshops took place in Lochgelly, Dunfermline, Anstruther and Cupar.
We received nothing but positive feedback from all participants of these workshops.
We have over 4000 followers on our Facebook and Twitter pages and over 890 likes on our dedicated Unique Dyslexic Get Creative page and showcased the work of many creative dyslexics here in Fife, Scotland and other countries around the world
We developed and launched a dedicated Unique Dyslexic Get Creative web site
We have raised awareness of the social model of dyslexia in the local press and radio and across the world through our social media
A team of 15 volunteers helped us with Unique Dyslexic
50 people attended our workshops
I designed and published a free Unique Dyslexic phone app
I am very proud of the achievements of Unique Dyslexic Get Creative. We could not have made this a success without the hard work and support of directors of Dyslexia Pathways CIC and 15 people who volunteered their time to support our campaign.
On October 29th 2014 we organised and ran the Unique Dyslexic Get Creative Celebration of Creativity. This was the first event of its kind to be run in Scotland
It showcased the creative work produced at the workshops as well as some of the work of creative dyslexics from across the globe.
Dr Ross Cooper was our keynote speaker, the Lord Provost of Fife opened the event, Anita Govan, dyslexic poet gave us a fantastic performance as did Siannie Moodie on her Scottish harp and Lizzi gave us a performance of aural story telling.
Over 60 people attended this event and it was promoted in the local news papers and radio stations and across the world through or social media.
We have to give a big big thank you to Stacey Galfskiy from Chillilicious for running this fused glass workshop.
Everyone got creative, had fun and shared their stories.
Above are some photos from the day and pictures of the brilliant artwork completed by participants.
Here is some of the feedback from participants:
"talkative and creative, more confident talking to others"
"Have never done anything like this before but really enjoyed it",
"Great fun, would love to do it again"
"Really enjoyed this workshop, first time I have been at any creative workshop. Surprised myself"
“Felt good about myself and meeting people like me"
"Fun / Happy" and "clever / energized".
All in all a great day was had by all. We completed three free dyslexia screenings during the workshop using Quickscan. Only three more to plan, organise and run over the summer.
Finally, a big thanks to all the staff at the Lochgelly Centre here in Fife. It’s a great venue for a workshop.
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